
Worship Or Drive DVD on Chop Block TV
June 13, 2020
Starting this Sunday our dvd Worship Or Drive will be on The Tube on Chop Block Tv which features Gwar Tv. Chop Block Tv is available on AmazonFire and Roku for free.

November 3, 2020
Friday 11/6 Mark Jackson takes a look into KYDM! The madness that is Kentucky Death Metal, with Steve Forbes from Created To Kill! High Noon Est! Available on ALL major podcast platforms! https://anchor.fm/metalforgeradio/episodes/The-Metal-Forge---11-6-2020---Created-to-Kill-Steve-Forbes-em1q2g/a-a2tq3ju

Created To Kill began in the summer of 2004. We released our first demo Monarch to the Kingdom of Death
in January 2005.There was about 350 copies distributed worldwide
through varies underground labels. After that we played many shows
trying to polish our sound. In October 2006 we released a EP called
Sample of Destruction.In 2007 Ruptured Records re-released our Demoand EP on a split with Indonesian band Decomposed.2008 saw the
release of our first full length cd Worship Or Die. Also in 2008 was
the demise of the drum machine as Paul Good stepped up to take the
reigns of drummer.In 2009 as a newly found 3-piece we headed out on
the road to decimate all in our path.In 2013 we released our second
full length cd Death's Construction and Phil Good stepped in to take
over bass duties to free Abe to concentrate on vocals.
Mike Minton took over on bass in 2017 due to Phil being in several
other bands and couldn't continue to put in the time needed.